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Building My House

I have the luxury of a lovely room in the RavenMoon Lodge, with a balcony overlooking the river. But recently I have started to feel that it is time I settled into a house of my own.

Our tribe is large and there are several available plots for building. And now that we can properly build on cliffs, the possibilities seem endless! (I recently visited Valorinak Republic and toured many houses that inspired me. One of them was a house that Jexa built into the cliff side. It is an amazing house and I will be posting a tour of it soon, on the Featured Buildings Page.

Trust me, you don't want to miss it!

However after some deliberation I settled on a plot overlooking the river. I will have a huge balcony there where I can watch the sunrise over the mountain, under the watchful eye of the Raven Sentinel. I know I will feel right at home!

I just have to build it first... and as it turns out, building a house is no small task! My time here has been a mostly comfortable life of exploring and foraging, basket weaving and cooking. Thankfully, my farming experience means I am used to getting my hands dirty. Yet I was unprepared for the amount of work needed.

I have been felling trees! Lots and lots of them! Whilst bears watched on in disbelief!

And then chopping, chopping, chopping... and carving and cutting logs into shape.

I was advised that a good way to learn to build is to start with something small first and really master that. It seemed to make sense. And thus I have been making posts, lots and lots of posts. It felt a little dreary after a while, to be truthful. But then I realized I am getting an eye and feel for stability and attractiveness of structures. It is working! Hopefully soon I will have worked up enough courage to try my hand at something more complex. Like maybe a platform...

There is a lot of work ahead but I am excited to learn more - and anyway, I am still changing my mind on the final design every day!

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